Program Overview
Career Discovery Solutions (CDS) is a program in which students are mentored to make informed decisions about choosing a career path. Rotarian volunteers work with local schools to match middle school students with local businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to get them involved in solving real world problems. Through the process of real world problem solving, students engage in dynamic learning experiences and gain knowledge on actual situations.
What Benefits Does the CDS Program Provide?
- Furnishes students with a venue for career exploration
- Provides valuable linkage between students and local businesses and government agencies
- Allows students to integrate core academics with real life problem solving
- Brings together Business and Education for the betterment of students and the local community
Excellence in Education
- The CDS program gives students a first-hand view of what is involved in career clusters in which they have an interest by touring local businesses and government operations and by being assigned real-world problems that are typical in these fields.
- Middle school students that confirm their interest in a career cluster through participation in a CDS project have adequate time to plan their related course of study in high school.
- CDS projects reinforce lessons presented in the classroom by teachers by providing practical applications of this knowledge.
- CDS projects provide valuable training in critical skills: systematic problem-solving, interpersonal skills of working together as an effective team, and formal presentation of the team's solution in an organized way.
- The CDS program gets local businesses and government operations directly involved in the education process of young people.
- Participation in in the CDS program contributes to the foundation of what it takes to prepare young people to be productive citizens in our society.
Students, host organizations in the community, and school teachers and administrators have all indicated their appreciation for the effectiveness of the Career Discovery Solutions program in bringing real understanding to young people about the content of a wide range of career choices.
The CDS trip was an AMAZING experience! I recommend and wish all young adults could experience this. While on the trip, you learn vocabulary and other important aspects of the job; you are interacting and having fun instead of just reading about it in a textbook. I hope everyone gets to experience this for years to come.
Austin, RUSD Student
The CDS program enhances students' education by incorporating real world business problems in a unique way that is fun and engaging.
Chris Terry, Community Participant
The CDS program has been a wonderful learning opportunity for the students. This unique learning opportunity gives eighth grade students the chance to apply skills taught in the classroom. They continue to reflect positively on the experience and request more projects of this nature.
Judith Mosley, RUSD Teacher
I am so glad I was able to experience CDS. It gave me further insight into a career I am really interested in. The CDS field trip is something I will never forget and I will always look back on it. This is definitely a program that should continue for many years to come!
Gabrielle, RUSD Student
The CDS program has allowed our students to apply their academic skills in real world settings. In doing this, we have been able to demonstrate the reason why those skills are important while exposing students to career paths that can guide their instructional choices in the future.
Ben Holzem, RUSD Assistant Principal
I thought that the sports arbitration trip to Parkside was fun, yet very educational. I learned all of the steps that it takes to go through in arbitration, and when and why sports players file for arbitration. The fun part was when we acted out our own arbitration and got to research facts to support our arbitration. Overall, I think this trip was informative and entertaining. I would definitely recommend this trip to others!
Michael, RUSD Student